Coping with the economic crisis : alternative responses to economic recession in advanced industrial societies
Title: Coping with the economic crisis : alternative responses to economic recession in advanced industrial societies
ix, 228 pages : 23 cm, Papers based on a workshop held in Barcelona, Easter 1985, which was sponsored by the European Consortium of Political Research, Includes bibliographical references and index, Explanations of the economic crisis and divergent policy responses / Heikki Paloheimo -- The impact of interest politics on flexible adjustment policies / Roland Czada -- Interest intermediation, institutional structures, and public policy / Franz Lehner -- Institutional accommodation to full employment / Gøsta Esping-Andersen -- The compatibility of economic, social, and political goals in incomes policies / Klaus Armingeon -- Political strategies to overcome the crisis / Hans Keman and Tibert van Dijk -- The economic policy strategies of the Nordic countries / Jan Otto Andersson -- The monetarist experiments in the United States and the United Kingdom / Paul F. Whiteley -- Coping with crisis / Hans Keman and Paul F. Whiteley
Language: eng
Public Date: 2020-09-22 08:59:05
Subject: Economic policy -- Congresses, Business cycles -- Congresses, Economic stabilization -- Congresses, Capitalism -- Congresses, Economic history -- 1945- -- Congresses, UE/CE Etats membres, Pays occidentaux, Politique économique, Crise économique, Business cycles, Capitalism, Economic history, Economic policy, Economic stabilization, Wirtschaftskrise, Wirtschaftspolitik, Economische politiek, Economische crises, Barcelona <1985>, Capitalist countries Economic conditions Political aspects
PDF Name: copingwitheconom0000unse.pdf
PDF Size: 9.59 MB
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