A dictionary, Hindustani and English : to whichis added a reversed part, English and Hindustani
Title: A dictionary, Hindustani and English : to whichis added a reversed part, English and Hindustani
Creator: Forbes, Duncan, 1798-1868
Language: eng, hin
Public Date: 2014-09-30 13:23:54
Subject: tbe, going, people, cos, time, three, kind, gon, price paid, ornament worn, musical mode, worn round, ring worn, low caste, cloth worn, silk cloth, generally applied, coarse kind
PDF Name: bub_gb_7klIAAAAYAAJ.pdf
PDF Size: 105.76 MB
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Union Government, Extraordinary, 2002-03-31, Part II-Section 3-Sub-Section(ii), Ref. 350 (E).